May 2024 – The Sombrero Galaxy

The late 18th Century was a golden age of astronomical discoveries.  After Galileo famously pointed his early invention at the heavens in 1609, Dutch glassmakers spent decades perfecting the lens technology that allowed for larger telescopes and more precise visual observations.  Every reigning monarch in Europe just had to have the latest and greatest telescopes,Continue reading “May 2024 – The Sombrero Galaxy”

Unicorns and Roses

A lesser-known and relatively modern constellation occupies the void between Orion, Canis Major, Hydra and Gemini, though the stars are difficult to see with the naked eye due to modern light pollution.  Monoceros – mono meaning “one” and ceros meaning “horn” – the Unicorn is a simple 7-point constellation, though only two of the starsContinue reading “Unicorns and Roses”

December 2023 – Geminids Meteor Shower

Meteor showers are generally produced when the Earth passes through the remnant tail of a comet, often long after it has visited our inner Solar System.  July’s Perseids are a gift from Comet Swift Tuttle (last close approach in 1995), the Eta Aquariids in May and Orionids in October come from the path Halley’s CometContinue reading “December 2023 – Geminids Meteor Shower”